Why I absolutely refuse to “regulate my nervous system”
Who is to define, exactly, the geometries of our emotional bodies…when there are so many different ways to tend to something - someone - beloved?

Joy: Our Companion With A Hundred Faces
On what dwells in the dark crevices of our psyches and the ways our Shadows may surprise us.

Thresholds of Grief & Joy
Final thoughts on my greatest teacher in 2022 and the power of alchemized desires.

Thanksgivings & Misgivings
Seasonal reflections on gratitude from the depths of a decidedly un-festive goblin cave.

Dancing through conversations when everything is happening all at once
Given the rollercoaster of various news, events, and the general fatigue that the last few years have brought, I want to talk about navigating emotional burnout…

Courage, comfort, and 3 questions
As we enter into these early weeks of January, I want to pose three questions through which to reflect on 2021 and welcome the months to come…

On New Years magic & the stubbornness of human hearts
This time of year is always very dear to my heart - like many born in the Soviet Union, I grew up celebrating New Years as the crowning holiday of winter.